Weddings in Silesian Texan communities have historically been major celebrations. Friends and family witnessed the Sacrament of Matrimony at the Nuptial Mass traditionally followed by a joyous reception, dinner, and dance. Many in attendance at Panna Maria’s parish hall through the years recall being serenaded by a roving mini-choir led by the charismatic Felix Snoga who had a rich voice. The troubadours walked in rhythm from table to table singing in Polish, “Dajcie, Dajcie” imploring the wedding guests to “Give! Give!” as a donation for the bride’s crown or wreath that she wore with her veil. One of the singers usually made a cacophonous noise with a cooking pot and lid which added to the merriment.
In virtual celebration of countless Silesian Texan weddings, we have dedicated this section of our website to present vintage photographs of brides and grooms. In the early years in Texas, their formal wedding photographs may have been the only images captured of many second and third generation Silesian Texans in Bandera, Cestohowa, Kosciusko, Panna Maria, St. Hedwig, Yorktown, and other communities. The style of wedding dresses and veils with wreaths or crowns is a study in vintage ceremonial attire. Some of the photographs below feature bridal wreaths, a symbol of maidenhood, made of herbs and flowers.
The wedding photographs presented on this page are at least 75 years old.
If you would like to submit any photographs of brides and grooms to this website, they should be no later than 1930 to qualify. The name of the groom, maiden name of the bride, date of marriage, and place are required with each photo. Please check the list of Silesian SURNAMES on this website to make sure that either the groom’s surname or the bride’s maiden name is listed. Submit information to: Thank you.
A list of donors who have already shared their families’ treasured wedding photos appears beneath the photo gallery.
Wedding Certificates
John Konstant Bronder and Mary Ottile Korus
Florian Yosko and Rosie Reyman [Reiman]
[Primary sources have been researched to confirm the dates and places; however, the original records reflect various spellings of names.] Click on images to enlarge
Matthias Adamietz [Adamiec] and Isabel Batto17 February 1909St. Stanislaus Catholic Church
Bandera, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 184, 4th entry)
Albert Aniol and Bronislava Rakowicz
1 June 1891
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 26, 3rd entry)
Alexander Aniol and Thecla Swoboda21 November 1893
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 30, 4th entry)
Henry Aniol and Agnes Ramzinski15 August 1894
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 32, 1st entry)
Louis Joseph Bednorz and Agnes Haiduk18 August 1914
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
White Deer, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: 1st entry)
George H. Bennack and Mary Rzeppa10 November 1891
San Agustin Cathedral
Laredo, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 102)
John Konstant Bronder and Mary Ottile Korus13 November 1906
Nativity of the BVM Catholic Church
Cestohowa, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 309)
Vincent Brysch and Gertrude Pawelek22 November 1911
Nativity of the BVM Catholic Church
Cestohowa, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 11, 3rd entry)
Edward Burda and Ida Edith Kush6 February 1907
St. Michael Catholic Church
San Antonio, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 34)
Michael Cielencki and Elizabeth Sowa20 February 1906
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Bexar County Marriage Records: Book U, page 8, #23438)
20 February 1906
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Bexar County Marriage Records: Book U, page 8, #23438)
Władysław Cielencki and Anastasia Sowa10 September 1907
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Bexar County Marriage Records: Book V, p. 504, #25547)
Isidor Ciomperlik and Martha Aniol28 June 1920
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 109, 2nd entry)
Constantin Długosz [Dugosh] and Agnes Halamuda2 July 1872
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church
Bandera, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 162, 2nd entry)
Dominic Dugosh and Anna Anderwald27 January 1904
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church
Bandera, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 180, 3rd entry)
John Dragon and Teresa Janysek7 November 1921
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 73, 2nd entry)
Peter Dragon and Agnes Polok16 November 1924
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 77, 4th entry)
Henry Dziuk and Julia Moczygemba12 June 1906
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 45, 4th entry)
Leo Esparsa and Paulina Richter28 October 1915
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciusko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 4, entry #5)
Frank Gajda [Gaida] and Caroline Kasprzyk10 November 1903
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Yorktown, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 224, 5th entry)
Anton Gawlik and Cecelia Mika7 November 1916
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 62, 1st entry)
Charles Haiduk and Joanna Jureczki7 May 1873
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church
Bandera, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 163, 2nd entry)
Joseph Hudek and Christine Sowa19 April 1920
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Bexar County Marriage Records: Book 2, page 137, #56202
Michael Jaksik and Agnes Korus14 November 1896 (license date)
Las Gallinas, Texas
(Atascosa County Marriage Records: Book 4, page 102)
Edward Janysek and Susan Pawelek9 November 1920
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 70, 4th entry)
Thomas Janysek and Leocadia Foegelle15 November 1921
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 73, 4th entry)
Henry Jarzombek and Mary Krawietz28 October 1924
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Poth, Texas
(Wilson County Marriage Records: Book G, page 287, #3427)
Jacob Jarzombek and Annie Sekula16 November 1915
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church
Cestohowa, Texas
(Wilson County Marriage Records: Book F, page 123, #1903)
Stanley Jarzombek and Caroline Jendrzey26 November 1912
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Yorktown, Texas
(Wilson County Marriage Records: Book E, page 377, #1236)
Steve Jarzombek and Mary Sekula23 November 1920
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church
Cestohowa, Texas
(Wilson County Marriage Records: Book F, page 546, #2774)
Thomas Jarzombek and Elizabeth Wollny15 November 1927
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Poth, Texas
(Wilson County Marriage Records: Book G, page 574, #3995)
Victor Jonietz and Annie Jalowa29 April 1914
St. Michael Catholic Church
San Antonio, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 2, entry #3)
Felix Kałka and Clara Deptała13 August 1923
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 119, 1st entry)
Joseph Kalka and Mary A. Anderwald11 February 1896
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church
Bandera, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 174, 2nd entry)
Joseph Kiolbassa and Lilia Anioł3 November 1915
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 92, 2nd entry)
Frank E. Korus and Matylda Padalecki5 October 1920
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 110, 2nd entry)
Leon Kosub and Agnes Ploch23 April 1901
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 49, 2nd entry)
Nicodemus Kotzur and Adela Moczygemba4 November 1919
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 8, entry #5)
Thomas Kowalik and Hedwig Czerner13 July 1875
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 1, 2nd entry)
Joe Krawietz and Martha Jarzombek31 August 1926
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Poth, Texas
(Wilson County Marriage Records: Book G, page 446, #3763)
Joseph Kunisky and Anna [Dylla] Kalka, widow20 June 1918
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 103, 2nd entry)
Ignatz Labus and Catherine Pollok13 August 1923
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 77)
William Lyssy and Regina Wiatrek31 January 1922
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 13, entry #4)
Felix Mika and Mary Yanta12 June 1917
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 63, 2nd entry)
John Moczygemba and Mary Schulz5 October 1886
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 13, 1st entry)
Michael Moczygemba and Kunegunda Labus19 November 1907
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 47, 2nd entry)
Walentin Mysky and Pauline Dyla12 May 1919
St. Michael Catholic Church
San Antonio, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 5, entry #5)
Valentine Opiela and Veronica Kniejski22 January 1883, Nativity of the BVM Catholic Church, Cestohowa, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 262, 2nd entry)
Dominic Orłowski and Anastasya Anioł10 February 1914
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 86, 4th entry)
Malcolm Pace and Julia (Lula) Kiolbassa7 October 1923
St. Michael Catholic Church
San Antonio, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 8, entry #5)
Alois Pawelek and Emelia Skloss20 November 1923
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 15, entry #9)
Leon Pawelek and Anna Polok [Pollok]2 August 1906
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 46, 1st entry)
Ludwig Pawelek and Anastasia Janysek30 August 1921
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 73, 1st entry)
Felix Pawlik and Albina Wiatrek26 October 1904
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 287, entry #3)
Teofil Ploch and Anastasia Ciomperlik6 October 1908
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 67, 4th entry)
Crispian Pruski and Elisabeth Moczygemba18 February 1914
Nativity of the BVM Catholic Church
Cestohowa, Texas (Church Marriage Records: page 17, 2nd entry)
Thomas Pruski and Anna Wiatrek16 February 1920
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 9, entry #3)
Albin Rakowicz and Adelaida Gorzel11 January 1921
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 112, 2nd entry)
Ben Rakowitz and Bridget Waclawczyk22 November 1910
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church
Cestohowa, Texas
(Atascosa County Marriage Records: Book 5, page 234)
Charles Rakowitz and Julia Jarzombek17 November 1914
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Poth, Texas
(Atascosa County Marriage Records: Book 6, page 181)
Lawrence Rakowicz and Margarita Rakowicz20 April 1915
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 89, 4th entry)
Teofil Rakowicz and Eulalia Kiolbassa23 April 1918
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 102, 4th entry)
Victor Ramzinski and Amelia Sowa26 November 1901
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Bexar County Marriage Records, Book Q, page 401, #19133)
John Scheffler and Lucy Kolodziej3 February 1903
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 287, entry #1)
John Paul Skrobarczyk and Mary Sowa31 January 1912
Rev. John Karcz of Falls City officiated
(Wilson County Marriage Records: Volume E, page 313)
Joseph Skrzycki and Anastasia Lipok25 September 1900
Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church
St. Hedwig, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 45, 4th entry)
Felix Snoga and Eleanor Yosko11 June 1929
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 82)
Francis Sobeczek and Katarina Urban16 January 1894,
St. Michael Catholic Church,
San Antonio, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 27, 2nd entry)
William Sowa and Albina Skrobarczyk31 January 1910
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 295, entry #27)
Edward Swiercz and Theresa Yosko7 November 1922
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 75, 3rd entry)
Leo Towers and Theresa Korus
25 June 1927
St. Mary Catholic Church
San Antonio, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 34, entry #10)
J.P.H. [Joseph Peter Henry] Trial and Annie Yanta16 February [1904] following a 1903 entry
St. Anthony Catholic Church
Runge, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: no page number, 5th entry)
William Waclawczyk and Mary Lee Dziuk26 November 1919
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciusko, Texas
(Wilson County Marriage Records: Book F, page 451, #2565)
Felix Wiatrek and Mary Kolodziej8 November 1910
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 296, entry #32)
Ladislaus Wiatrek and Sophia Króll4 May 1915
St. Ann Catholic Church
Kosciuszko, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 4, entry #3)
George Winkler and Mary Kiolbassa24 June 1923
St. Michael Catholic Church
San Antonio, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 8, entry #2)
John Yanta and Mary Polok [Pollok]15 June 1920
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 69, 4th entry)
William Yanta and Agnes Kowalik6 November 1911
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 52, 3rd entry)
Florian Yosko and Rosie Reyman [Reiman]10 February 1925
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
Henry Yosko and Helen Lyssy12 May 1925
Immaculate Conception of the BVM Catholic Church
Panna Maria, Texas
(Church Marriage Records: page 78, 3rd entry)
Isidor Zajac and Otilia Krawiec30 May 1911, Annunciation of the BVM Catholic Church, St. Hedwig, Texas (Church Marriage Records: page 77, 2nd entry)
Wedding Portrait Donors We are very grateful to the following for sharing their family wedding photos shown above: John and Kathy Korus Beard, Robbie Bronder, Linda Bruce, Ron Burda, Rose Sekula Calloway, Janet Dawson Ebrom, Elenora Dugosh Goodley, Lynn Highley, Louise Jurgajtis, Sue Kinderknecht, Janice Kiolbassa, Betty and George Kowalik, Genny Kraus, Debbie Lyro, George Moczygemba, Dorothy Gawlik Moy, Eric Opiela, Dorothy Pollok Pawelek, Melissa Poth, Janice Shadrock, Richard Allan Sowa, Elaine Mazurek Stephens, Mary Ann Moczygemba Watson, and Bishop Emeritus John W. Yanta.