Lively musical style of Chris Rybak enjoyed by all attendees!
Marvin and Chris entertaining guests at the FLMF Gala
Mr. and Mrs. John Wojtasczyk, Bishop Emeritus John W. Yanta, and Sister Agnes
Msgr. Frank Kurzaj and Patricia Ann Felux, recipient of the FLMF Outstanding Service Award
Msgr. Frank Kurzaj and Rev. Wieslaw Iwaniec, Pastor in Panna Maria
Msgr. Frank Kurzaj and Sister Natalia
Msgr. Frank Kurzaj, on stage at Gala
Msgr. Frank Kurzaj, Rev. Wieslaw Iwaniec, and Janet Dawson Ebrom during the FLMF Awards Ceremony
Outstanding Service Award winners announced by Janet Dawson Ebrom
Patricia Ann Felux accepting FLMF Outstanding Service Award
President of Father Leopold Moczygemba Foundation, Msgr. Frank Kurzaj, on stage at Gala (2)
Rev. Isak Keyman-Ige with Dorothy Pawelek
Seraphic Sisters take pleasure in lighthearted evening along with the Notzons
Sharing the oplatek with a blessing by Bishop Yanta at Gala
Sister Gabriela, Sister Agnes, and Sister Sancja
Sister Inga, Sister Inez, and Sister Emelia
Sister Kristiana enjoying the gala
Sister Samuela seated at one of the beautifully decorated tables
Sue Mason, recipient of the FLMF Outstanding Service Award, and Msgr. Frank Kurzaj
Tara Korzekwa dancing with Msgr. Frank Kurzaj
2011-09-27 Immaculate Heart of Mary St Michael Windows
2011-09-29 St. Michael’s Feast Day and Presentation
Ed Ebrom and Josephine Garcia in St. Michael parish hall
Josephine Garcia and Msgr. Frank Kurzaj
Josephine Garcia and Msgr. Frank Kurzaj
Left: Msgr. Frank Kurzaj, Ed and Janet Ebrom, Elaine Mazurek Stephens (center)
Right: Dorothy Pawelek, Dorothy and James Collins, Rev. Heliodoro Lucatero
Left: Msgr. Frank Kurzaj and Arthur Martinez, St. Michael parishioner
Right: Guadalupe Ramos, parish receptionist, and Rev. Heliodoro Lucatero
Msgr. Frank Kurzaj and Rev. Heliodoro Lucatero, pastor of St. Michael Catholic Church
Msgr. Frank Kurzaj and Rev. Heliodoro Lucatero with the youngest generation of St. Michael's parishioners
Janet Dawson Ebrom, Guadalupe Ramos, Ed Ebrom, Dorothy Pawelek, James and Dorothy Collins
Guadalupe welcomed us to St. Michael's.
Guadalupe was very helpful and shared many photos and documents from the archives of St. Michael's.
Janet Dawson Ebrom interviewing Josephine Garcia who attended St. Michael Academy and graduated from high school there in 1950
Josephine Garcia recalled childhood classmates and neighbors with Polish surnames: Morgozewitz, Pruski, and Winkler
Josie Garcia remembers the windows in the original St. Michael's. She recalls that the names of the donors were in the windows, at the bottom.
Inside St. Michael's Catholic Church in San Antonio.
Arthur Martinez made his First Holy Communion at St. Michael's before the church was razed for HemisFair '68